Wordsearch game and generator

A simple wordsearch game generator

    • 2022, Uitgeverij Deviant
    • Typescript, Pixi.js
    • Uitgeverij Deviant
    • game, Pixi.js, Prototype, Typescript

Eventhough these algorithms are available online, I’ve always wanted to write one myself.

So I did 🙂

(with auto-solver for demonstration purposes)

You can enter a word list, and the algorithm will try to fit them all in a grid, trying to take up the least amount of space possible.

In the video you can also see a simple form being used to enter new words. This is a just proof of concept editor for these small games. No attention has been spend on making it look good 🙂


For an internal project, Deviant wanted a couple of games ‘just for fun’ and gave us quite a broad range of games to choose from, this is one of the example games I’ve built for this project.
This game is just a prototype with basic graphics, sounds and gameplay.