Multiplayer Quiz

Multiplayer quiz using Colyseus where players have to walk to a button to answer.

    • 2022, Uitgeverij Deviant
    • colyseus, pixi.js, typescript, texturepacker
    • colyseus, game, multiplayer, node.js, Pixi.js, Prototype, Typescript

Using Colyseus I wrote a simple multiuser server and a small quiz game where a teacher could create a room and choose the type of quiz, duration, number of questions, and invite students to join this room. (also featuring a qr-code for easy joining)
Players could answer the question by making their avatar walk over the button belonging to that answer, just like in an old gameshow called Ren je Rot on Dutch television.

I also wrote a loadtesting bot that would randomly select and walk to an answer, which you can see at the end of the video.


For an internal project, Deviant wanted a couple of games ‘just for fun’ and gave us quite a broad range of games to choose from, this is one of the example games I’ve built for this project.
This game is just a prototype with basic graphics, sounds and gameplay.